
April 13, 2014

The Nieuwe Kerk Organ

About a month and a half ago my Bible in the arts class visited the Nieuwe Kerk in Middelburg for a second time. The first time, we went to look at the organ case and the paintings on the shutters because we had a short writing assignment to do about the case.
This time, though, we went to listen to the organ being played. My professor's wife is the organ master in Middelburg. She plays the organ every day. She also teaches solfege classes to music students. Anyway, the piece she played was written by J. Kuhnau, and it told the story of David vs. Goliath. We had a short writing assignment over the music to take a closer look at what musical techniques Kuhnau used to depict each character.
I knew I wouldn't remember the entire piece the way I heard it in the Nieuwe Kerk, so I recorded it. I missed the first page of music, unfortunately, but I managed to capture the rest. When I tried to upload it from my iPad to my YouTube channel, only a small portion of it loaded. The entire video is supposed to be about 13 minutes. Unfortunately, because the file was much to large, I had to trim down the recording to about 9 and a 1/2 minutes.

The recording does not do justice to the magnificence of hearing a live performance.

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